A New Healthy Milk

Milk is very healthy. Most persons explain that the powdered milk is healthier than the liquid. Although, milk, in its primary raw state, is liquid. Hence, milk is a whitish liquid produced by mammary glands of mature female mammals to nourish their young ones. It is a common food for humans as beverage or used […]

Update: 2021-02-18 09:34 GMT

Milk is very healthy. Most persons explain that the powdered milk is healthier than the liquid. Although, milk, in its primary raw state, is liquid. Hence, milk is a whitish liquid produced by mammary glands of mature female mammals to nourish their young ones. It is a common food for humans as beverage or used to produce various dairy products such as butter, cheese and yogurt.

It must be mammals that produce milk alone, definitely not. Milk can also be obtained from vegetables like soy beans, nuts, almonds, rice, oats, etc.

Humans suckle from their mothers as babies and get weaned between one and two years but it seems milk is too good, the reason they ventured into drinking milk from animals and plants.

Milk production in Nigeria is high in the North, they produce more cows and in their vicinities, there are Milk-maids who take it up as a business selling the locally processed raw milk known as fura da nono to people.

 Nigeria has over 180 million residents, consuming about 1.3 billion tons of milk annually. This is a huge market for locally produced milk and dairy products. Unfortunately, about 60% of dairy products consumed are imported. Do not panic, yes, we should!

Cattle production is high in the North and so should be milk production. The reality still remains that there is a lacuna. Nigeria has many resources that need to be harnessed within the country to enhance massive production.

Or are cows also being imported?

Lack of infrastructure and support eats deep and deteriorates every sector of production in the country.

Recently, tiger nuts milk has become one of the hottest super-foods in the market. It is extracted from tiger nuts called aki hausa in the South. Tiger nuts are usually cultivated in Hausa -the North, hence, the name. The nut has been in existence for thousands of years but the milk has just around.

Tiger nut milk is naturally sweet, creamy, and offers a luxurious, rich and nutty flavour.  Unlike milks made from almonds or other nuts which are typically very high in inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, tiger nut milk is, instead, rich in monounsaturated fat, as well as minerals and vitamins C and E.

Tiger nuts are super high in resistant starch fiber, which has been getting a lot of accolade for its weight loss benefits. Resistant starch passes through the stomach and small intestine without being digested, and may even help you lose weight by reducing blood sugar spikes and keeping you fresh and healthy longer than other foods with the same number of calories. It also benefits your gut by acting as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract.

An ounce contains about 120 calories, 10 grams of fiber, 9 grams of naturally occurring sugars, tons of vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and iron, and 7 grams of fat, most of which is oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that research shows can help reduce appetite and promote weight loss.

The milk has invaded the market thereby competing fervently with other types of milk. People lick their lips to its sweet taste, wives buy it severally for their husbands for reasons almost ineffable. And recently, it is being said that wise men drink tiger nut milk.

There are no negative effects of tiger nut milk to the human body yet excess of everything is bad……is purging!


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