Sibling rivalry though may start from tender stage but children have tendency to love and forgive easily. Parent can instil love, kindness and other virtues
Should we not love our siblings?
As a child, our close friends are our siblings
Sibling looked out for one another when they were young
They longed to see one another
The older ones watch over the younger
They guide themselves from outsiders
Oh God! What is wrong, why the hatred and envy
Should parents be blamed?
Some parents initiate the hatred
Some parents directly or otherwise instigate it
Out of desperation, frustration and manipulation
Maybe out of ignorance
They judge conflicts emotionally instead of logically
They show preference, rich younger ones place above the older
Should you blame outsiders?
When sibling love cord loosen
Loyalty to one another reduced, sometimes become zero
Outsider comes in between them
Sow seed of discord among them
Intruder deceives to earn favour and monetary gains
Beware! They could be trusted fellow, false Spiritual person, relatives
Parenting can be intentional
Teaching their children right values and virtues
Children that learn loyalty stick together
Outsider loses power to exploit them
Loyalty like wall, protect sibling ties and oneness
No crack in their wall, No intruding of outsider
No hatred, No generational strife
© Ruth Olajoke Olubode