
Movie lovers hail Korean cultural centre for life-changing movie

Supreme Desk
18 Jan 2024 8:41 AM GMT
Movie lovers hail Korean cultural centre for life-changing movie
Gogo said that the experiences of the young ladies in the movie reminded her of the challenges she faced as a young woman.

Movie lovers have lauded the Korean Cultural Centre for starting the new year with a life-inspiring film titled “Take Care of My Cat.".

The movie lovers gave their commendation in an interview with the newsmen on Wednesday night in Abuja.

Miss Ngozi Okafor said that after watching the film, she understood that she had to embrace life challenges as part of living.

She said that the resilience she saw in the girls in the movie made her understand that she must pursue her goals irrespective of the hurdles along the way.

She also applauded the characters in the movie who were navigating the complexities of growing up, discovering their passions, and figuring out their place in the world.

Also, Cynthia Gogo, a businesswoman, said what she took from the movie was that life always presents challenges to people, irrespective of their backgrounds.

Gogo said that the experiences of the young ladies in the movie reminded her of the challenges she faced as a young woman.

According to her, resilience and self-determination brought me to where I am today.

She, therefore, advised young ladies to keep pushing and holding on to their desires until they achieved their goals.

Mr. Nathan Agu, another movie lover, said he learned that resilience was key to achieving one's goals in life.

Agu said that the movie taught him to embrace the complexities of life and also boost his confidence.

He described the movie as a life lesson, adding that there was no better time to watch the movie than now, as the year was still fresh.

A staff member member at the centre said that the Korean movie was meant to showcase the essence of Korean culture and culture.

She added that the movie was chosen in order to send the idea of a new year resolution and to pass a lesson on embracing the complexities of life even as the year starts

“Cultural day primarily is a day to learn something about Korea.

“Some days we do movies, some days we do activities, and we could have other forms of different activities. But for this month, we chose that people should watch a movie.

“We chose the movie because it is supposed to send an idea of a new year resolution.

“And since we are just starting the new year, we want people to be able to relate to the new beginnings of the characters in the movie and embrace the challenges that come with it as the year is still fresh.” She said.

Supreme News reports that the Korean feature-length film was directed by Jeong Jae-eun.

The story line was built around the lives of five friends grappling with the realities of life as they transitioned from high school to adulthood.

Each character was faced with different struggles, like finding a job, pursuing higher education and dealing with personal relationships.

The movie showcased the ups and downs that come with entering new phases of life.

It beautifully captured the emotions and experiences of the characters as they navigate their own paths of growth and change.

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