
Will COVID-19 infection ever end?

Supreme Desk
3 Dec 2022 2:24 PM
Will COVID-19 infection ever end?
The answer of scientist on whether there will be winter Covid-19 wave mean that influenza will comeback. And the emerging variants and declining immunity will likely increase infection rates in the Northern Hemisphere.

In the wake of the draconian "zero-COVID" policy, thousands of Chinese crowded several cities to protest.

Seriously, these recent protests are highly unusual in the Communist-ruled country.

But, my concern is that where did China actually missed it to have sure increasing infections with their advance research achievements.

On Tuesday, the health commission in Beijing reported some 38,400 new cases, a slight drop compared to the record of more than 40,000 set a day earlier. Read more https://bit.ly/3Viu3Dt

Other countries have their own tales to tell about the current conoravirus pandemic, but the condition ranges from mild to severe on different continents.

The answer of scientist on whether there will be winter Covid-19 wave mean that influenza will comeback. And the emerging variants and declining immunity will likely increase infection rates in the Northern Hemisphere.

Is Nigeria truly free despite its 50% vaccination rate?

Read more https://bit.ly/3UftM2Q

Now, in the light of the autumn-winter waves of COVID-19, Some questions cross my mind:

Could it be that new variants are behind the rising case numbers?

Could it be new Omicron subvariants different from — BA.2, BA.4 and BA.5 has evolved this autumn

Will scientist outrun the immune evasion and multiple overlapping changes of variants

Will scientist able to challenge the spike mutation of this virus

How big will the autumn-winter waves be for both the southern and northern hemispheres?

Will booster and bivalent vaccines offer protection against emerging variants, and will the protection last?

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