Supreme Special: Maladaptive Behaviour Among Students in the School System

29 Jun 2021 4:02 AM GMT
Supreme Special: Maladaptive Behaviour Among Students in the School System

Many adolescence engage in maladaptive behaviors, some of these behaviors are directly and immediately harmful to the point of being life threatening. A behavior is termed  abnormal or anti social  if it is not common, if it is  different from what is normal and does not conform with what the society expects and accepts.  A […]

Many adolescence engage in maladaptive behaviors, some of these behaviors are directly and immediately harmful to the point of being life threatening. A behavior is termed abnormal or anti social if it is not common, if it is different from what is normal and does not conform with what the society expects and accepts. A display of no regard for the moral or ethical rules of the society or the rights of others, manipulating people and situations for personal gains.(Nwankwo et al 2010) The term maladaptive behavior may be difficult to define due to the differences in cultural standards , norms , values, environment, parental status. As every culture, family, environment, has its accepted behavioral patterns and norms. Maladaptive behavior are those things that stop you from adapting to new or difficult circumstances. They can start after a major life change, illness or a traumatic event. It could also be a habit picked up at an early age.


AVOIDANCE: Like not making eye contact during conversations, speaking too slowly or not talking at all, avoiding a threat or disengaging from unpleasantness is often the best move especially for temporary things over which you have no control. When you continually avoid what you should not it becomes maladaptive behavior which you have to control .

MALADAPTIVE DAYDREAMING: This means engaging extensively in fantasy in place of human interaction or participation in real life. These day dream can last hours at a time and involve intricate plots and characters .Other examples of maladaptive behavior includes Withdrawal, Passive aggressiveness, Self harm, Substance abuse ETC . This is according to Ann Pietrangelo .


1. FAMILY BACKGROUND: Family background characterized by neglect, polygamy, violence, illegitimacy, over protection of kids , over permissiveness of parents, frequent altercations among members, , absence of parental love and guide as a result of death ,divorce and separation could lead to maladaptive behaviors like low self esteem, addictions, violence, gangsters , cultism ,crime, dark triads traits etc. In order to provide a supportive , emotionally healthy family environment, you need to treat your children as individuals, engage in regular routines with your children, take of your needs as parents , be morally and socially balanced and spent quality time with your children.

2. SCHOOL: Most unruly behaviors exhibited by children are often picked from schools, either from their peers or teachers. That is why school managers should understand that their position is more than just nomenclature/title or position. To be a successful school manager entails a whole lot, as it is one of the determinants of the success or failure of any school .Managers should pay unbiased attention to recruitment and enrolment processes, implement policies that will reduce rate of staff turn over .Children see teachers as their role model as their mirror because that is how it is meant to be and as such they pattern their behaviors and styles after their teachers in various aspects like dressing, walking, talking , for the girls their teachers make up and hair do. Unacceptable behaviors like examination malpractice can also be traced to teaching pattern , inadequate planning , knowledge of the subject and presentation of lesson. All these affects the moral and social personality of these innocent children positively or negatively .Managers should be cautious how they enrol and the type of teachers they recruit. This is because some teachers lacks the ethics of the teaching profession which translates to bad models prone to character and behavior destructions instead of role models and reference of good behaviors. (Unachukwu) 1995. Other factors are Negative peer pressure, Technology E.T.C


There are quiet significant and long lasting consequences of maladaptive behavior aside corrections / reprimand at home, school and work place when one exhibits maladaptive responses. One of such consequences is alienation. Children who exhibit maladaptive responses are not likely to have close relationship and may likely struggle to gain the respect and consideration of elders.

In conclusion, maladaptive behavior affects people of all ages, background and a part of every once life in some capacity. What is important is to acknowledge it, work to change it and replace it with more productive once.

Krystal IBHADE Tamunosiki

[email protected]





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